從登嘉樓博物館參觀裡後以後,我們便到Terengganu Taman Tamadun Islam.好長的名字,這個景點,是把世界上,21個比較出名的回教堂,迷你化.在這裡,我和孩子都很投入的去看,去欣賞.雖然說是迷你型的,但是真的模擬的很像,手工也很精緻.我和孩子,邊看,邊在通行證上對照,學習.由於教堂的名字,全部都是英文和馬來文解說.Lily只好付上英文解說,讓格友看看,也了解了解.
來囉!這是建造于1392年的,Xian Mosque,China.
The mosque that was founded in 1392 by naval admiral Haj Cheng Ho during the Tang Dynasty typifies a Buddhist temple,however its grandaxis is aligned from east to west,facing Mecca.
Kul Sharif Mosque,Kazan,Russia
Once left in ruins,the reconstruction of this mosque following the collapse of the Saviet Union is reflective of Kazan’s 1000 year long histary and its design is reminiscent of the historical surrounding of the Kremlin.
Great Mosque of Agadez,Niger
Built in the sixteenth century when the city was at its height,this mosque is made of dried earth and is topped by a pyramid-shaped minaret spiked with 13 rows of stakes to strengthen the structure.
Kalyan Minaret,Uzbekistan
Built in 1227 A.D.by Arsian-Khan,the minaret,made of baked bricks,is a flawless example of both civil engineering and superior architectural creation.
Suleyman Mosque,Turkey
This mosque was built in 1557,during the 46 year reign of Suleyman of the Ottoman Empire.It housed infirmaries,a medical school,a hospital,shops,cells and arms-houses.
Great Mosque of Qairawan,Tunisia
Built in 670 by Uqba ibn Nafi,this is the oldest Lslamic monument in Tunisia with the oldest dated minaret.Today,having been rebuilt tree times,this mosque symbolises equality in Qairawan.
Nabawi Mosque,Madinah,Saudi Arabia
Madinah,in full is Madinat Rasul Allah which means "City of the Prophet of Allah" and is the second holiest site in Islam, This mosque was built on the site of Muhammad’s home and where he was buried。
The Palace of Al-Hambra,Granada,Spain
Al-Hambra (Red Castle) is an ancient,palace and fortress complex built between 1238-1354,in the regins of Mohammed bin Ahmar,the first Nasrid king.
這棟回教堂,由於是建在比較高的地點. 所以,並不能把整棟建築拍下.其實,有幾棟回教堂,都是建在比較高的地方,還不容易拍.